Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ako ay Pilipino Movement

Got to hang out with David and Lorna Joannes, founders of the Ako ay Pilipino Movement today. You could sense that it was one of those crazy divinely-inspired appointments when Kelly, Miles, and I finally got to meet them.

What are the odds that the people who came up with the idea for a new book in the Philippines would be hanging out in AZ for the next month or so? They just came out with a new book called Ako ay Pilipino that's gonna help revive and restore Filipino identity and destiny across the globe. All across the globe, God is calling Filipinos to remember who they are, and He is reminding them what He says about them. These are exciting times for Filipinos!

Be apart of the movement.

Check it out yourself:

Hit me up if you're interested in getting one of the books.

"Know your identity, pursue your destiny."


je said...

pls check the ako ay pilipino links for facebook and multiply. multiply should be

Thanks and God bless!