So I have decided, right now, that I need to take this moment and pause and say, "This past few weeks have been absolutely crazy!!!!" So I'm gonna take a deep breath right now and try to recollect and remember some of the craziness that have comprised the last few weeks.
On April 9, 2009 we hosted an event called "Faceless Generation." The vision behind "Faceless Generation" is something that has been on the hearts of many people. Recently, God placed a unique idea for an event on my heart that I hoped would help bless the campus. I talked about the event in my February blog post entitled "Redeeming a Faceless Generation" The whole concept of the event was to be provide individuals on our campus who were often unheard and unrecognized a chance to be known and heard. We wanted to begin to redeem a Faceless Generation by allowing their stories to be heard. It was so crazy to be a part of an event like this. God gave us a crazy vision to hear people's stories, and as the weeks went by the vision became a reality. Organizations such as the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Ambassadors, the Asian Pacific American Studies department, and the Asian/Asian Pacific American Student Coalition partnered together to support and fund this event. Campus Crusade for Christ also played a huge role in this event by providing their usual weekly meeting time and location.
It was an amazing display of unity of the body of Christ as well the amazing grace of God. Every day leading up to "Faceless Generation" different small groups a part of Campus Crusade for Christ were out on campus loving people by hearing their stories and giving them encouraging notes. On the actual day of the event, we had around 250-300 people show up to hear people's stories during the night. We had a Sudanese refugee tell his story of overcoming all odds and surviving. We watched compelling videos of a Japanese International student telling his story about his experience in Japan and another video about an individual who had overcome drug addiction. We had amazing spoken word pieces by members of the Native American community and others from the Asian American community. We saw amazing displays of artwork as well as a touching sign language piece.
Also throughout the night, we had interactive stations around the room. We had a station name "Words of the Faceless" where individuals could write out their stories and their experiences of being faceless. We had an interactive painting station where we had two 8 foot canvases and some paint set up where people could creatively express themselves. We had a tree of dreams and aspirations. Where people could post their dreams and aspirations as leaves on a tree. And finally, we had a station called the "Wailing Wall." This station was inspired by the actual Western Wall in Jerusalem. At the beginning of the school year last semester, my friend and I were praying and God gave us the idea of having a "Wailing Wall" where people could place their private prayers in crack in the wall like they did in Jerusalem. The walls in the classroom we were in allowed us to do this creative idea. It was amazing to see at the end of the night the many pieces of paper that filled the entire wall. All the stations were a testimony of the many stories people have that often are unheard or disregarded. It was a powerful testimony to see people engaging with the interactive stations throughout the duration of the night.
God moved so powerfully that night. I have heard so many testimonies of how people were affected by that night. Some told how amazing it was to be a part of an event where they could share themselves and not feel like they were have to perform or entertain anyone. The audience was captivated and "mesmerized" by the stories they heard as one individual told me. I was told by one individual that she was surprised by how quiet the audience was in attentively listening to the acts. God did amazing things that night, and I pray that it is a catalyst for even greater and more creative ideas. My prayer is that people would see people share their stories through art, spoken work, media, poetry, etc. and be encouraged to creatively share their own stories and affect a generation. I hope that what happened that week would not be an isolated event, but that it would be a catalyst for a movement in which people can love and share themselves with others without the expectations of having to entertain or perform.
We have the whole night of "Faceless Generation" on video. Watch it and be blessed. It's kind of a big file, so allow it to load and enjoy!Here is the link if you are interested:
"Faceless Generation Video"."Faceless Generation" was such a success that our organization Epic Movement got invited to perform their pieces at the Filipino organizations event entitled "Sino Tayo." Sino Tayo is a Tagolog phrase meaning "Who we are." The night was about celebrating Filipino culture and identity. Being invited to help out and perform was so amazing because the Filipino club has been on our heart from the very beginning, and the very reason we started Epic was to serve the Filipino and Asian American community at ASU. Our group had been practicing the "Everything" skit by Lifehouse. We had originally intended it to be performed only at Asian Culture night, but it was such a success that we ended up performing it not only at Asian Culture night, but at "Faceless Generation" and "Sino Tayo" as well. The "Everything" skit is powerful. I can't even describe it. You will have to watch it for yourself. Here is the video of Epic performing it at "Faceless Generation":
"Everything skit" by Lifehouse.
Epic did such an amazing job performing the skit. The skit was set up beautifully by Kelly who poured out her heart through two spoken words she had written herself. Here is one of them she performed:
Kelly's Spoken Word
Kelly poured her heart out on the stage, and then she performed the main part in the skit. People were so moved by the skit that atmosphere literally shifted as they were performing. As Epic was performing, people realized that this was no joke. I literally saw people on the edge of the seats waiting in anticipation as to what happened next. Many peopel were in tears by the end of the skit. Even the emcees were tearing up.
All I can say is that GOD IS POWERFUL. We had so much opposition and attack in preparing the skit. And rightfully so, the enemy knew the power that would be realeased when we performed. At the end of this crazy few weeks, we have now performed the skit 3 times to large venues of 200 people or more. We estimate that about 700 people or more watched and were exposed to the gospel through this one skit. In three weeks, 700 people were exposed to the gospel by 7 people. I don't know if I can ask for more. That is incredible! Who would have known that would have happened when we first begun. Our group almost split in half in putting together that skit, but in the end, God prevailed in mighty ways. I am so proud of my group. I had nothing to do with the actual performance. Again, I threw out the idea, and people made it happen. God is good!!!! God is doing things in Epic proportions here at ASU!!!!
And that is just the beginning, I wish I could sit and write more about the craziness of what God is doing. Before all that craziness happened, I was able to lead the three Chinese students I was doing a Group Investigating God with to Christ on Sunday, March 29, 2009. It was so powerful and crazy. I wasn't planning on meeting with the students that night because I was really busy. But I got a text from one of them asking when we "were going to meet for church tonight." I could not turn them down especially after their eager desire to learn. We met and talked about the Prodigal son. I was really able to connect with them in talking about Asian parents. And as we ended, I asked them if they would like to have a father like the prodigal son's father. They said yes, and they responded by saying they would want to receive Jesus in their lives!!! It was so excited! They all three received Christ!!! It was difficult at first trying to explain to them what it mean to follow Christ, but they prayed the prayer with me and invited Jesus to be their Savior.
They asked amazing questions. It is so beautiful because they are not tainted by the Western expectations of church. They asked me how to pray, and if God understands Chinese. The next week we went through some follow-up material, and they seemed to understand the concepts pretty well. After that night one of the students told me that now he knew why he loved Jesus so much. The week after that we went through the Easter story. We read about the crucifixion and resurrection. At the end of that night, one of the students told me how he didn't know what to feel or say. He had heard about Jesus and Christianity before. But no one could explain to him why he should receive Christ. He told me that it wasn't until I told him about Jesus that he finally understood how much Jesus really loved him. He told me that I should go back to his home land and tell others about Jesus too so that they could know his love! I was so moved by this, and I told them I wanted to help equip them and teach them so that they could tell their friends and family about Jesus themselves. They were excited about this and want to start their own churches.
This past week we met up and talked again about baptism. I explained to them what it is and why we do it. This Thursday, they will be baptized! Ahhh, God is sooo amazing!!!!
In the midst of all that, I am struggling with lots of things right now. I am realizing more and more how powerful our God really is. During the week of "Faceless Generation" I got sick and since the event a lot of things have been uprooted in my life. I am beginning to see how depraved and inadequate I really am. It's so crazy to see this right after operating in the fullness of who God has made me to be only a few days earlier. I am realizing how much my identity is really set in Christ, but I am also realizing that sometimes the successes we experience cover up the issues we still need to deal with. I realize that I still am not where God fuly wants me to be. I have a lot to learn and a lot to heal from. But at the same time, it is amazing to see just a brief glimpse of what God might want to do in my life based on just the past few weeks.
With all that said, I am in need of a lot healing. I am realizing my weakness and my struggles in relationships. I am only human, and I am so week on my own. I need Jesus, and without him, I am just a lump of clay. God is molding me and making me into what I am today. Sometimes that process is difficult and painful, but every day we are being made into his image. Pray for me as God heals me and refines me int his time. It is my prayer that each of us could be healed healers - meanign that out of the healing we receive we can begin to bring healing to others. I truly believe God wants to bring healing to our generation and that starts in our relationship and intimacy wiht Jesus.
Jesus loves us so much! Let's not deny him relationship. Let us not deny one another relationship. Let us love one another. Let us dive deep into his heart. Let us together allow God to heal our hearts so that we can REDEEM A FACELESS GENERATION.
Thank you God for you amazing love! You are good, and your love endures forever! We thank you that you love us with an everlasting love. We thank you that want to heal our hearts. We are broken and desperate people. Heal us so we can bring healing to our generation. Restore us so we can see restoration. Bless us so that we can be a blessing. We love you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen!
The Cowardice of Control
7 years ago
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