Saturday, November 28, 2009

Filipinos Rise up!!!

This picture is a powerful representation of what God has destined for Filipinos, and not only them, but all of us who have felt overlooked, belittled, or misunderstood. The author of this quote is named Carlos P. Romulo, an influential Filipino statements in the mid 1900s. The picture reminded me a lot of Erik Fish's blog on "Throwing Rocks at Giants" ( It is a powerful reminder of the spiritual authority we have in Christ in breaking down strongholds and calling out for the kingdom of heaven to come down here on earth!

So the more I research about the Philippines, the more and more I am finding out about their unique destiny. Internationally-known prophetess Cindy Jacobs was in the Philippines this past March 2009, and she prophesied about the destiny of the Philippines and God's heart for the nation(here is the written out prophesy). Then as I did more research on the internet, I found a of pretty crazy things. There has been continuous 24/7/365 prayer going on in at least one place in the Philippines for at least the last year as well as some home churches being planted (24/7 prayer Philippines). Another crazy statistic - in 2003, more than half of the Philippines was under the age of 15 (Philippines age stat). That means, there is a huge youth population about 21 years old an younger that makes up the majority of the Philippines. Can somebody say Filipino youth revival? This is crazy!!!

Then, to further confirm the things God put on my heart yesterday, today I found a movement started by a couple using arts and media to capture the imaginations of the Filipino youth and remind them of their unique identity and destiny. They have just finished publishing a new book called Ako ay Pilipino - a tagalog phrase which means "I am Filipino." Check out some of the missions statement:

We believe that this country has a great destiny and is capable of being great in Asia, and in the whole world. The possibilities for success are beyond imagination, but we understand that this message needs to be revealed to the masses. It needs to be realized. It needs to be proclaimed, sparking hope and light in the midst of the present uncertainty...

Through books, short films, music, events, and what all kinds of media, it is our desire to awaken this generation of Filipinos to this potential and bright destiny the nation has in Christ.

Ako ay Pilipino is open to volunteers. If you're a Christian writer, artist, film maker... who wants to run with our vision, do get in touch with us and let's see what we can do for our nation

This just really crazy to me because it goes right along the lines of what God has been putting on my heart as well as those around me. Bringing awareness and using books, music, films, etc, to awaken Filipinos to their destiny!

This book is actually going to be premiered at an event called Jesus Revolution Now!: A Solemn Assembly - which will essentially be a day of prayer and fasting specifically for the nation and its leaders this coming November 30.

So ya, I'm not really sure what to think at this point besides the fact that God is on the move. He's calling the Filipinos to remember the identity and step into their destiny. He's going to use them to bless the nations. Crazy...

Check out this video:

YouTube - Ako ay Pilipino (coffee table book launch) video

Taken from the foreword of the book Ako ay Pilipino:

"We believe that this country has a great destiny and is capable of being great in Asia, and in the whole world. The possibilities for success are beyond imagination, but we understand that this message needs to be revealed to the masses. It needs to be realized. It needs to be proclaimed, sparking hope and light in the midst of the present uncertainty. For this reason, we began tracing the richness of the Philippine history to understand how we can move forward from here.

As we set out to write and design this book in August 2009, our country was going through a series of dramatic events from the political scene to natural calamities. And in the midst of it all, something was stirring in the air: a spark of patriotism and passion to see change in the nation. This book comes as a timely response to Filipinos nationwide who are crying out for more.

"What is the ultimate goal of this book, you ask? It's simple. We want to help change the mindset of Filipinos today, declaring their true identity as God intended them to be, and thus help fulfill the destiny that is theirs to claim.

Today, people are searching for the answers to many questions: "Who am I as a Filipino?" "Where am I going?" "What is my role in the Philippines?"

Obviously, one single book cannot answer all of these questions. But as you hear about the rich history of this nation - where we have come and where we are going - we believe that God will begin to open your eyes to the bigger picture of the Philippines' place in the world today.

Let the tiny seed of faith, hope and love for this nation begin to burst forth into life, redirecting the destiny of this nation."

David and Lorna Joannes
Founders - Ako ay Pilipino Noon at Ngayon


Anonymous said...

I wanted to show you this yesterday because your blog fired me up in my seat... but I ironically couldn't find it till today... Pastor Cal, who is the one who led the state wide prayer movements(United in prayer and E Pule Ka Kou) is a part of Harvest Evangelism, and he shares this story with us when Mark and I visited his service last year.... (He is spiritual partners with King Flores from the Philippines)

Here is a quick story of what happened in Paranaque, Philippines:

Harvest Evangelism made a movie on God restoring paranaque and it blew my mind! It stirred my heart to see not just cooperate prayer happened (what these pastors did) but gave me vision on what more could happen if students to start praying 24-7.

The dvd is called:
Transformation in Parañaque City & the Philippines

Other stories:

This doesn't fully deal with students, and maybe you already knew about it... But I know you will still love it!
