Friday, May 22, 2009
Leaving for East Asia!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Crazy days at briefing
Whew... Its been a crazy few days at Vanguard University for East Asia briefing. I'm pretty tired right now, but today has been pretty sweet. In spite of all that is going on right now, God is coninuing to remain faithful. Our team needs to raise $20,222 by midnight today. It seems like a pretty daunting task to us as humans. But today, we were reminded of God showing Ezekiel that he wants to breathe life into a valley of bones and raise up an army. God is increasing our faith right now, and it will be amazing to see how we respond as a team. We had some hardcore intercession time tonight as an Epic group, and we feel like it was a really powerful transformative moment for our group. At the end of the prayer time, the verse that came to mind was the one in James that states how "the prayers of the righteous avail much." I took as a confirmation that God truly is delighted in our prayers
and graciously desires to respond to His children. Tonight also marks the end our teams 21 day Daniel fast. It has been truly a remarkable experience, and I trust God is going to honor our committment. In comemoration of the end of the fast, I had my head shaved. I haven't cut my hair in like 7months so this was a really special moment to just consecrate myself to God and enter into this new season. It was also cool bc my brother and my friend zach shaved their heads as well.
Please continue to pray for us as we embark on a new journey. We are still in need of a lot more support as well. This next day is the beginning of a great miracle and display of God's great love. Stay tuned...
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Divine insight
God really spoke to me through this prayer devotional this morning and really put into perspective His desire for us to know His heart.
" One of the main reasons so many Christians fail to pray or believe the wrong things about prayer is the seeming "hit or miss" aspect to much of our praying. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. We develop a bad theology to cover our misses and turn prayer into something it was never meant to be. This problem happens when we look at prayer as a way of getting things from God. But prayer is not "my way of getting things from God." Prayer is God's chosen way of accomplishing His will on this planet! Our job in prayer is to draw near in intimacy. As we begin to understand a bit of the Lord's heart on a matter, then we begin to ask Him to accomplish what is already His will. It is at that point that prayer becomes a powerful change agent to achieve the Lord's purposes.
I thank You Lord, that You have not left us to our own devices to fight this battle. You have provided for us the powerful sword of Your Word, and the amazing gift of prayer. In Your holy name, Lord Jesus, we take up Your Word and ask You to make us more and more a people of Your Word. Show us how to effectively bring Your Word before You in prayer in such a way that the enemy is defeated.
Have a very bless day. Live A Praying Life!"
Thursday, May 14, 2009
A very inspiring church planting story
Check out this amazing story of a church planting movement started by new believers in Ecuador! It is so inspiring. Imagine what could happen if we caught on to this vision on our campuses. It will happen one day! Praise God!
The insightful words of Lydia Medill
Lately, God has been really teaching me a lot about what it means to be the church. Our Epic community has really been actively seeking what it looks like to be a community like that found in Acts 2:42-47. In that process of seeking God's heart, God has given us some amazing insight. Recently, God has given Lydia some pretty crazy insight into some of the underlying issues that are rooted in the misconceptions of the church. What do you think? Take a look: