Lately, God has been really teaching me a lot about what it means to be the church. Our Epic community has really been actively seeking what it looks like to be a community like that found in Acts 2:42-47. In that process of seeking God's heart, God has given us some amazing insight. Recently, God has given Lydia some pretty crazy insight into some of the underlying issues that are rooted in the misconceptions of the church. What do you think? Take a look:
Check this out. The American dream (as Tito Luigi so accurately stated) is to buy a house. That is the way immigrants become “American”, the way Americans establish themselves and acquire social respect. A house, a building is such an integral part of what has come to be defined as American. Therefore, it makes sense that the American Church would be so strongly wedded to the idea of Church=building. It just goes along with the way Americans have learned to form their identity. So when you ask Americans to think of Church as something different from a building, you are asking them to go completely against their culture, to let go of the way they have previously defined their worth, and step into a place where worth is defined by love received instead of property acquired. Which means that by changing the way the Church looks we’re changing the way American society looks. Okay, maybe you already thought of this, but it just came to me this morning :)
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