Saturday, September 19, 2009

Simple Church @ Auntie Pei's

Tonight our simple church met at the home of Lydia's mother, who we affectionately refer to as Auntie Pei. Auntie Pei has been a true spiritual mother to our simple church community. Everyone loves her for her kindness and amazing heart. She truly has a true pastoral heart in caring and nurturing those she comes in contact with. Every time I speak to her, I am blessed and inspired by the insight she shares. Her words and her actions flow with the power of the Holy Spirit, and there is never a dull moment around her.

Every week is a new adventure, and this week was no exception. First, we all arrived and were able to eat some delicious Chinese food that Auntie Pei prepared for us. As usual, our group interacted and socialized for much of the first part of the night. We then went into a time of worship in which I was able to play my new keyboard. So exciting!!! Afterwards, everyone gathered around, sang happy birthday, and brought me a cake for my 22nd B-day. I feel old! Haha not really. But anyhoo, it was really great to spend my b-day with my awesome community!

Then, we all gathered around to hear Auntie Pei teach on some things God put on her heart. What she had to say was really powerful. She talked about prayer specifically referring to the Lord's prayer in the book of Luke. She broke it down for us in a way that I had never really heard before. One of the coolest things that I learned was that the word "Father" that Jesus used to refer to God was pretty out of the ordinary in biblical times. No one referred to God that way. Yet with Jesus referring to God as Abba, an even more endearing term for Father in the Hebrew language, he was demonstrating the powerful intimacy involved in prayer. This was such a cool reminder because I personally have been struggling a lot with prayer lately. I have just really had a hard time engaging with God while alone especially in this past week.

From there, Auntie Pei described some other elements of prayer and began to focus on examen prayer, a form of prayer in which we examine our feelings and bring them fully before God. Basically, you recall a moment in the day when you were most thankful or happy during the day and express those feelings to God. Next, you recall a moment in the day that you were disappointed or ungrateful for. We acknowledge those feelings to God with total honesty and allow ourselves to be where we are at with those feelings. Then we end by thanking God and recalling the feeling we had during the high part of our day.

We did something similar to this while we were in Haskell this summer. We went through a process called Heartbread in which we went through a similar exercise of examining our feelings and expressing them to God and to a partner. The exercise is really powerful because it allows you to be truly aware of what you are feeling inside, and in speaking frustration it actually helps to free you from the bonds that negatively hold you down. In speaking out truth, we remember the goodness of God.

So tonight, Auntie Pei had us go around and pray out to God the things that we were feeling. We started out first with our moments of gratitude and then our frustrations. What happened from that point was truly remarkable. People began to express their deepest emotions to God. I was able to share my joys and my frustrations publicly to God. It was the most powerful experience I have had in a while, and it was one of the most intimate times with God that I have experienced as of late as well. There was something truly powerful about our whole group being willing to be transparent with God and with one another. I feel as if we really stepped into something special tonight, and I know there was a lot of breakthrough that happened in my heart at the very least.

What I realized that in speaking out our joys and frustrations, we become aware of what is going on inside us. When we express those things corporately, we begin to uncover the schemes of the enemy that are coming against us because we are acknowledging and recognizing the things that are inside of us. One of the most profound lessons I have learned in all this is the importance of having a foundation that is based in intimacy with God and spiritual formation. I realize that for myself I could speak and hear about apostolic passion all day long. It is written on my heart and brings me much joy. However, I realize that areas that I need the most development and discipline are in that of spiritual formation. When I look back at my time in Haskell, I realize that the exercises and lessons in spiritual formation really provided me with a strong foundation in which to bring a strong relationship with God. Being aware of what was going on inside me allowed me to know how to connect with God in truly intimate ways.

Our simple church meetings are always pretty chaotic and unpredictable, but it is amazing to see how God always shows up in the midst of all the craziness. Tonight was an awesome night. Not only was I able to spend my birthday with awesome friends, but I was able to be reminded of the importance of knowing the heart of God. It is so amazing to see how our community has become so tightly knit. Many of the people stayed at Auntie Pei's house, either having deep spiritual conversations or having fun singing and being filled with joy. We probably could have been there energized and excited all night. Things are still tough and there are many uncertainties, but in the midst of it all, God has been good and being in community with believers has been medicine to my hurting soul.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

another week and another gathering of our simple church

In this new season that God has called me into, I feel that it is really important to document the experiences and lessons learned. I hope that others will be able to take and learn from the things that I have experienced, and I think it will be awesome to look back at the things that were happening nowadays sometime in the future.

Tonight we met again for our simple church gathering. About 20 of us cram in together in Kelly's apartment. It's such a cool vibe though at least from my point of view. The small area allows us to really engage with one another. You can't really disengage as much when your in such tight quarters. We are still trying to figure out how to do things and how to adjust to different locations and different ways of doing things. So things are kind of rough. We still run into issues of starting on time and what not, but its great because while we are waiting everyone is engaging and enjoying one another's company.

When everyone was kind of settled, we spent some time in worship. Josh played some songs for us, and then Malina and Brittany led us into some time of prayer. Before that, they shared some amazing prophetic insight into what God was showing them about the campus in their time of prayer. It was really cool to hear their insight. We split into groups of 3 and prayed for one another and for the nation especially on a day when we remember the events of 9/11 eight years ago. Kelly then led us in a time of testimonies where we got to hear some of the things God was doing in peoples lives during the week.

After that, we went into some time in the Word. I guided this portion of the night. It was kinda crazy though because I was feeling really tired and worn out after being really excited and pumped for most of the day. But I pressed through it and had some people praying for me. I shared some of my testimony of what God has been doing in my life this week too. Then, we all read through Scripture together. We read through Luke 4:14-30. Stephen printed out the passage for all of us, and I brought some colored pencils so people could mark some of the things that stood out to them. We spent about 10 minutes on our own reading through passage before we discussed it together.

We had a pretty good discussion. I think we spent over an hour just talking about things that stuck out to us in the passage and what God was speaking to us through it. It was amazing to hear different people's insights, and it was cool to see how everyone was getting involved and engaged.

We chose to read through Luke because I really feel like God has some special things for us to glean from this particular Gospel. In reading through history of the Bible, I saw how Luke and Acts are books that are meant to be read together in two parts since they are written by the same author. In my mind, it makes sense that we should be looking at the book of Acts together because it really speaks to what we want to see God do in our campus. But I found it even more powerful to see the connection between Luke and Acts. What stood out the most to me is that one of the main themes in Luke is that of Jesus' ministry to the Gentiles and to the outcasts of society. Luke 4 really emphasizes this in showing where Jesus quotes form Isaiah 61 in which He talks about he has been anointed to preach to the poor, the brokenhearted, the captives, and the downtrodden. So one of Luke's major themes is to show Jesus' heart for those on the fringes of society.

I thought this was really powerful because as a ministry I feel as if God is calling our community to really minister to the fringes of society. The image I get is of a lighthouse in the center of the community emitting a light that travels outward. However, that light only goes so far. Where I feel like God calling me to is the boundaries, or fringes of what one can see on a map. As we go outward, the light surrounds outer edges and begins to move inward as well to meet the light coming outward. I may have spoken a little about this before, but I believe that it really conveys this idea that God has called us to seed out those who are the hungriest for Jesus - the places in which Jesus is already at work if we would only begin to have God open our eyes to see. I think it is cool to see how Luke and Acts are connected in that way. Luke shows God's love for the Gentiles and then Acts continues to show how the Apostle Paul took this idea to the next level.

So ya, I don't know. There is still so much I'm learning and still so much I don't understand. At the core of everything we are doing, I believe that we are learning more about the heart of Jesus and seeking out why He did what he did. Josh said something really powerful today when he mentioned how we aren't merely looking to be Jesus to others, but that we are looking at how Jesus is already work in them.

Anyway, needless to say, it's a cool journey we are on. I have no idea what I have gotten myself into, but I think that's ok. I know that once I find it out everything is going to change. It's a constant process in which we continually go after God's heart. It's happening. Slowly but surely. I'm realizing that it has been a pretty crazy, emotional week. My gut instinct is to keep pressing the pedal and going forward. But I realize that the biggest breakthrough I have experienced this weekend is when I have been broken, face down on the ground in my weakness. I realize how even now I have a short term memory. God works in our weakness, and it is not my brilliant tactics or methods that will change things, it will be God working when I have nothing else to offer.

So I must slow down, and believe that God is at work in his perfect timing. It's a fun adventure. I just have to remember to relax and enjoy the ride. God got's this. He wants to show up way more than I want him to. That's reassuring! ;)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wow....did that really just happen???

Wow....did that really just happen???

I don't even know what to say right now. I am filled with an incredible amount of joy right now. I am still scratching my heading asking myself, "did that really just happen?"

So this past week has been one of the craziest, trying times for me. I don't even know where to begin. I have been knocked down on my face crying my eyes out multiple times this week, but in the midst of it all God has found some way to redeem it.

This week my girlfriend and I broke up. It was the hardest thing ever because our relationship had brought us both so close to God. It was difficult to deal with all the emotions, but in the midst of it all, what the enemy meant for harm, God used for good.

Tonight, Sara and I were able to find so much closure and breakthrough as we begin to step into the next chapter God has for our lives. Though we are no longer together as a couple, we remain co-laborers in the calling that God has placed on our lives. We have committed to pursue the vision that God has placed on our lives and remain friends in that process.

It's crazy because this is far from what the situation was like just a day ago. Yet I can't help but sense that there is such a powerful move of God taking place in our midst. What seemed like a heart-breaking break up has actually turned into a life-giving and transformational experience that has allowed both Sara and I to realize who we truly are and live out of the identity we have in Christ.

I can't even begin to express the freedom and joy that I have right now in knowing that I have the freedom to be who God has called me to be and live out the crazy vision He has placed on my heart. It is so amazing to be reminded that I am not in this alone. I have realized that in the midst of all the craziness that there has been such a strong, committed community of friends and family who have prayed for us and walked us through this process.

I can't even begin to express the amazing amounts of gratefulness that I have for all of you who have prayed and wrestled with me through this past week. I have seen the power of prayer, and I have seen the heart of God. I truly am beginning to grasp more fully what it means for God's love to be made perfect in our weakness. Our weakness allows God to demonstrate his full love and grace when we submit wholly to him. I am able to experience the fullness of that in this moment. And so I thank you again for you who have prayed for and with me. Sara and I were able to get so much closure and breakthrough today as a result of the grace of God and his amazing love.

Looking forward, I am hopeful - hopeful that God is going to bring into completion what He has birthed in my heart and in the hearts of so many who have a burden to see heaven touch earth. It's going to happen. Let us continue to pray and press forward into the promises that God has for us all.

Thanks so much and thank you God for you amazing love! AHHH I LOVE YOU, JESUS!!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


For so long in my life I have been plagued by procrastination and misplaced priorities. Tonight those things came back to bite me in the hardest way. I've learned a valuable lesson tonight that I pray will change the entire outlook of the rest of my life. There is one thing about procrastinating and mismanaging your priorities with school work. I've gotten away with that all my life. But you cannot always get away with procrastinating and mismanaging your priorities in relationships and life. I've hurt the people closest to me in the midst of my weaknesses and inadequacies. But I pray with all of my heart that tonight would be a changing point.

I pray that God would deliver me from my performance-based, perfectionist, procrastinating, priority-lacking lifestyle. I pray that God would give me a heart that truly knows how to love and care for others. May I be selfless and not selfish. Create a pure heart in me God, and forgive me for the ways I have hurt others, myself, and above all for hurting you. I pray that you would straighten my priorities, change my heart, and strip of me the distractions and hindrances that are keeping me from you.

Thank you for getting my attention God before it was too late.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Latest Developments in the Student Church Movement

God has been doing some pretty cool stuff this past weekend. In just the past few days, I have been able to see some breakthrough as new partnerships are developing in support of a student church movement that God has been putting on many people's hearts.

Just today, I was able to meet with my pastor, my parents, my brother, and my friends J'Shon, and Kelly to talk about what a partnership between my home church (Valley International Christian Church) and the student church movement that is being birthed at ASU and GCC could look like. It was such an amazing and powerful meeting that was divinely inspired by God. In the midst of a busy schedule and back-to-back meetings, my pastor took time out of his Sunday activities to have an impromptu meeting with my parents and students. I really wanted to talk to my pastor as soon as possible to bring clarity to the situation that is happening on the campuses. The past weeks have been rough and confusing at times because there has not been always been a lot of clarity and direction about the future. So it was such a blessing from God that my pastor, my parents, my brother, and friends would all be so patient in meeting together even at such short notice.

As we talked to each other about how my home church could support the student churches at GCC and ASU through prayer and financial support, I could really sense the presence of God at hand. It was so encouraging to hear my pastor fully supporting our cause and seeing what we were called to as an answered prayer. He made mention of how the church had been praying about planting a church in Northern Arizona, but it was not coming through. However, he told us that he realized that what we were doing was answered prayer to his desire and vision to plant churches. He told us how he would like to have a working relationship with our group in which they would not control or dictate anything that we would do. But rather, they would be there for accountability, prayer, financial support, sharing of resources, and whatever else we needed. He even talked about explaining what we were doing to the church. He recognized that some may have a hard time understanding what we were doing because it was not a traditional form of church, but he recognized the importance and the significance of what we were doing and wanted to get the church involved. He talked about having a commissioning service in which we could be literally sent as missionaries to mission field.

All the while, it was so awesome to have my parents there hearing our heart and passion for what God called us to do. My dad was so encouraging in voicing his support for what we were doing. He was blessed by the faith that we demonstrated, and he mentioned how he desired to have the faith like we did. It was so awesome to hear my mom and dad talk about how much they were supportive and excited for what God was calling us to do. It felt so good to know that in the midst of all the confusion and the attack that we have been experiencing this past week we were finally being heard and supported. I felt valued and cared for today by those closest to me, and I am excited to see what will come.

I know that there will be many bumps along the road and much more hardships ahead. But it is so encouraging to know that there are those who are willing to partner with us in prayer and support. This is God's work, and I definitely see his hand upon it. In the midst of my sinfulness and weakness, God's power is coming through. I am so grateful for the love and support he showered upon us today. Please continue to pray for us as we continue to step forward into mission that God has called us into at ASU, GCC, and beyond.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Together Again!

And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more, as you see the day drawing near. - Heb. 10:24-25

Tonight was one of my first nights hanging out with my simple church community in what seems like forever. Now I know why the author of Hebrews reminds the church not to forsake assembling together. It was so refreshing to my soul to be back with my family after not being able to be with them for most of the summer.

It was so encouraging to be together again loving one another and being reminded of how much God is at work in our lives. I can't even begin to describe the crazy experiences I have had today. I guess I'll work my way backwards. Tonight, our group got together. We had some worship time, and it was really cool because one of the guys that first led worship for us when we first started showed up and helped lead worship. It was crazy because normally I would be pretty anal about people just coming in and leading worship because I use to have certain expectations and ideas of what worship should look like and how we should experience it. But God has been really revealing to me how beautiful it is for others to take part in what He is doing. God wants all people to be able to experience his redemptive power. Tonight was a cool picture of that in being able to see one my friends play guitar for us in the first time in many many months.

After that, we went into a time of intercession. We broke into groups of three and prayed for one another. I got to pray with my two Chinese brothers Yanqing and Jiannan. It was awesome being able to hear the prayer concerns, pray for them, and then have them pray for me. We had another Chinese friend there too who isn't a Christian, but ended up praying with her small group as well. After a time of prayer, I got to share some of the things God had been putting on my heart.

I shared from 2 Corinthians 4:7-9. These verses have been super powerful in my life and are what I talked about in my last blog. We had a group discussion on what God was speaking to us through the verses, and it was so awesome hear peoples insight. I shared with them how the "Jars of clay" were like trash cans, but in spite of that, God uses us to demonstrate his glory. I got to really encourage people that no matter where there were at in their life right now, God loves them and wants to use them to demonstrate his power. I then went into talking about the legacy of what God has called us to as a simple church planting movement. I talked about the move student missions tracing it all the way back from the Haystack Revival, to the Student Volunteer Movement, to what we are experiencing today. I hope to talk more about this history later because it is super powerful.

So after Kelly and I shared some of our heart, I encouraged our group with what the next step God was calling us to. God has put on our heart to begin to pray for one another and for those who don't know him, and then to begin to invest our time in the communities God has called us to. We intentionally prayed that God would identify and begin to bring us three people who don't know Christ yet that we can begin to invest time in. We spent a few moments asking God to put those people in our hearts and pray for them.

After this time, some of the guys cooked up some spaghetti for us, and we at together. During this time, I had some awesome conversations with people. I got to pray and prophesy over my friend Zach and really encourage him to pursue his calling and gifting in music. I got to talk to a newcomer named Alex over what God was putting on heart, and I got to pray for clarity i figuring out what God was calling her to study. Also, a friend from California who we had met in Epic Conference two years ago was in town and I got to talk and pray with her also.

One of the craziest things that blows me away is meeting this new guy named Alvin. It turns out that Alvin is a senior here at ASU. He is a Japanese major, and he studied 11 months in Japan. Of all the places in the world and of all the places in Japan, it turns out that Alvin was actually in the same place in Japan that I went to last summer - Nagoya, Japan. We actually found out that we know the same people working for Campus Crusade for Christ, and on facebook we have mutual Japanese friends from the school we worked with there. I am absolutely blown away by this. How in the world does that even happen? Last year, God put a international Japanese student from Nagoya in our group, and we got to build a relationship with. Then today, God brings Alvin to our group, and he actually lives in the global village section of the dorm that I lived in and prayer walked over all last year. Is that crazy or what? God or odd??? All I can say is that is crazy. It's not everyday that you meet people from Nagoya, Japan. It's not like it is the biggest or populated place. And yet there have been many people from there that I have met at ASU. Something is happening. I have no idea what is happening. But whatever God did in my heart in Japan is coming back, and its freaking crazy!

Then as I was washing dishes today, I had an awesome conversation with Lydia. She was telling me about the awesome things God is doing in her life. She has a heart for the Uzbek community here at ASU. She did some work there with her family when she was younger. So God has totally put it on her heart to work within their community here and find the places where Jesus is at work. She told me about a message she was listening to the other day. A influential Christian leader went to Iraq and talked to the some important officials there. The Christian leader asked the Iraqi leaders an interesting question. He asked them if they had seen Jesus. The Iraqi leaders responded by asking why he asked the question. The Christian leader went on to respond that in the Bible Jesus showed up in the places that people least expected it. And of all the places in the world, Christians would probably least expect to see Jesus in Iraq. So the leaders asked him, what would it look like if Jesus was here. The Christian leader responded by asking them what they thought it would like. They went on to discuss it, and they thought that Jesus would care for the poor and outcast. So the Christian leader said ya you re right. Let's go do that. In response, some of top ranking officials told the Christian leader that if wanted to go do that work in their towns, they would offer him full protection to go to do those things.

The point is that God is work in the lives of people. Are role is not bring Jesus to people, but to find where he is already at work and be a part of it. One of the coolest things that I got to experience today was talking to my friend Brian and later Chris. As I talked to them, I shared with them a picture that I though would represent the move of God at ASU and in our communities at large. I saw a picture of ASU. In the middle of it was the prayer house. From the prayer house was a light that was moving outward in all directions. But I also saw from the fringes, a light surrounding map and moving from the outside in.

In this season, God has called me to go plant churches on the fringes of society. God has called me and many of those in our community to go love the seemingly unlovable. We want to go to the poor, the sick, the social outcasts. We believe that God is going to raise up an entire generation of misfits who will bring the Gospel to others like them and also back to the institutional church. Some may be offended by the notion of the social outcasts being powerful carriers of the Gospel. But that is who Jesus chose, and who he used. It's crazy to think of the amazing thing that God is doing.

Talking to Lydia today really reminded me of the heart behind what we are doing. At the core of why God has put this passion on our hearts is for the very reason of having the heart of Jesus himself. Jesus loved people, and he demonstrated this by spending time with them. There is something so powerful that people on the fringes of society will be able to understand and grasp about Jesus that I may never understand because of the ways I have lived in privilege. But as Jesus stated to those who have been forgiven much will love much. And at the heart of everything, God has called me to do, I must remember that loving with the heart of Jesus is the reason why w do this. I have realized that I often times have failed to truly love and have a heart of compassion for people or those I am with. I have a hard time connecting with people at a heart to basis at times because I have often gotten so caught up in the vision. I can encourage people with the big picture and seeing the move that God is doing, but I sometimes fail to really see people where they are at and connecting with them with my own heart.

I realized that talking to Sara today. I often fail to really listen to her and understand her. Instead of speaking to her emotions. I speak to her mind in a logical sense. It is interesting to see even that regards how men and women differ. But there is something so powerful that women possess in being to possess that kind of heart-felt emotion for others that I as a man tend to struggle with. It reminds of me this idea that Lydia alluded to when she mentioned that women are usually the first to come Christ in many cultures because they are usually the most oppressed, and they are the first to realize that they really need Jesus. I think that there open hearts and emotional bent really helps them to understand the love of Jesus in a unique way as well.

All this to say, that the body of Christ is so diverse, and we need one another. Sometimes I get so caught up in this mentality of trying to control others and have a say in everything that others do. But in this sense of control, I am limiting others from being who God made them to be, and I am also limiting myself because I am worrying about others rather than being an encouragement and then doing my part in responding to what God has called me to do. I realize how God has put other people in my life and is raising up others around to carry some of the desires and dreams that are on my heart. I wrestle with pride at times in not understanding to being a part of what others are doing. But I realize that when others are stepping into these roles and responding to God, it is actually an answered prayer, and it is releasing me to be able to step even further into what God has for me without having to be tied down to other obligations that were distracting from what God is really calling me to do.

So ya, today has been powerful and encouraging for me. Being in community once again was so refreshing and amazing. It is a small glimpse of what it will look like when the body of Christ comes together as a whole and begins to live out there destiny. What a powerful force that will be when body in unison works together to bless one another and bless those around them.

Let it happen, Jesus! Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven! We desire to take hold of all the promises that you have for us! Thank you for community. Thank you for the body of Christ. Thank you that you are already victorious and have overcome darkness. There is no pressure on us. Keep me from temptation and from pride. May I never forget the grace that you have and love that covers me. I desire to be fully surrendered to you, O Lord. Here I am, send me!