God has been doing some pretty cool stuff this past weekend. In just the past few days, I have been able to see some breakthrough as new partnerships are developing in support of a student church movement that God has been putting on many people's hearts.
Just today, I was able to meet with my pastor, my parents, my brother, and my friends J'Shon, and Kelly to talk about what a partnership between my home church (Valley International Christian Church) and the student church movement that is being birthed at ASU and GCC could look like. It was such an amazing and powerful meeting that was divinely inspired by God. In the midst of a busy schedule and back-to-back meetings, my pastor took time out of his Sunday activities to have an impromptu meeting with my parents and students. I really wanted to talk to my pastor as soon as possible to bring clarity to the situation that is happening on the campuses. The past weeks have been rough and confusing at times because there has not been always been a lot of clarity and direction about the future. So it was such a blessing from God that my pastor, my parents, my brother, and friends would all be so patient in meeting together even at such short notice.
As we talked to each other about how my home church could support the student churches at GCC and ASU through prayer and financial support, I could really sense the presence of God at hand. It was so encouraging to hear my pastor fully supporting our cause and seeing what we were called to as an answered prayer. He made mention of how the church had been praying about planting a church in Northern Arizona, but it was not coming through. However, he told us that he realized that what we were doing was answered prayer to his desire and vision to plant churches. He told us how he would like to have a working relationship with our group in which they would not control or dictate anything that we would do. But rather, they would be there for accountability, prayer, financial support, sharing of resources, and whatever else we needed. He even talked about explaining what we were doing to the church. He recognized that some may have a hard time understanding what we were doing because it was not a traditional form of church, but he recognized the importance and the significance of what we were doing and wanted to get the church involved. He talked about having a commissioning service in which we could be literally sent as missionaries to mission field.
All the while, it was so awesome to have my parents there hearing our heart and passion for what God called us to do. My dad was so encouraging in voicing his support for what we were doing. He was blessed by the faith that we demonstrated, and he mentioned how he desired to have the faith like we did. It was so awesome to hear my mom and dad talk about how much they were supportive and excited for what God was calling us to do. It felt so good to know that in the midst of all the confusion and the attack that we have been experiencing this past week we were finally being heard and supported. I felt valued and cared for today by those closest to me, and I am excited to see what will come.
I know that there will be many bumps along the road and much more hardships ahead. But it is so encouraging to know that there are those who are willing to partner with us in prayer and support. This is God's work, and I definitely see his hand upon it. In the midst of my sinfulness and weakness, God's power is coming through. I am so grateful for the love and support he showered upon us today. Please continue to pray for us as we continue to step forward into mission that God has called us into at ASU, GCC, and beyond.
The Cowardice of Control
7 years ago
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