Friday, December 4, 2009

Community: Responses to Insecurity (Part 2)

One of the things I have realized is that one of the ways that the enemy tries to break up and confuse a community is through insecurity and isolation. God puts things on the hearts of many people. But so many times, they feel like they are the only ones with that passion. So there may be many people in a group who God is speaking similar things to - most likely complimentary things. But instead of recognizing the unity of what God is speaking, out of fear and uncertainty, people respond by doing things on their own rather than bringing others into it.

I think I am guilty of this a lot. I want things done on my time and in my way. But when people don't see things the exact same way that I do, I begin to feel inadequate and misunderstood. So often I fail to recognize that what God is putting on my heart is the same that He is putting on another's heart it's just packaged and understood in a different way. I run to conclusions rather than giving others the benefit of the doubt. If the person has a hard time communicating their ideas, then it becomes even more difficult. In the midst of these types of experiences, it is important to remember that we don't have to explain to other people what God has placed on our heart in order to be validated. If God has put something on heart, we have to go for it, and the rest will follow. We may be misunderstood at times, but one of the biggest principles in community is that TIMING IS EVERYTHING.

God has perfect timing and will do things in his way. We have to do what God has put on our hearts, but I believe we must also become aware of what God is putting on the hearts of others and discern the ways in which we can come together under a united vision for what God has for us.

But in order for this to happen we must communicate. I think one of the biggest things that hinder us is that when we face these difficulties we don't communicate. Community with one another and community with God are directly related. The way we relate to God will determine how we relate to others and the way we relate to God will determine how we relate others. If we don't spend time individually with God or with others and we are not spending time corporately with each other and corporately seeking God, what do we expect our results to be?

Our security above all is based in God, but since we also have a people part of us, community has such a vital role in reinforcing the things that God has placed on our heart. When we are in a healthy community that submits to one another in love and is willing to sacrifice for one another, I believe we will be able to piece the unique things that God has placed on our heart together.

So many times we come together, there is a lack of unity because there is a lack of security. Our group is individually lacking the fiery passion that comes from knowing God's passion for us, and likewise, when we come together, we lack belief that God is capable of the impossible.

Sometimes it takes the one bold person who has something in their heart to take the step of faith and believe that God will move in the hearts of others. Will you be that one? At the end of the day it comes back to knowing the goodness of Jesus. Security in him is what ultimately breeds confidence and dispels insecurity which will then catalyze authentic community.

Excerpt from daily prayer devotional:

“He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8).

If one is to speak mightily for God, then one must walk humbly with God. Courage for Christ is a direct result of security in Christ. Prayer intensifies our fellowship with God. It is in that fellowship that the believer experiences the depth and width and height of the love of God. The Christian can face the gates of hell if he has been before the throne of heaven. Fear flees when one has basked in the perfect love of God.

Merciful, loving God, I long for deeper intimacy with You. Show me how to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly in Your holy Presence so that my fellowship with You will bring transformation into the lives of others. In Jesus’ Name I ask this!

Live A Praying Life!