Monday, June 16, 2008

Woooo! Audio Bible, Healing, and Yummy Food, Oh My!

Today was a happy day. God showed up in a lot of cool ways. It was very exciting. My day started pretty early - earlier than expected at least. I was all happy and in deep sleep when Sara called me at 8:00am and wanted to talk about the crazy stuff God was showing her. I was really tired, but I got out of bed and went and picked her up. She was really excited telling me all this stuff in the car, and I was still really tired haha. She told me how she really wanted to buy the audio Bible from the Christian bookstore because she really felt led by God to get through the Bible. The program cost $125, but she was determined to get it.

So we went to my house and looked how much the program was on Barnes and Nobles. The original price was $125, but since she was a member she got a discount so it was $89. I had a gift card so it ended up being a lot cheaper. But for some reason we knew that God wanted to bless us with an even cheaper price so we looked up some coupons and stuff, and after all that the price ended up being only $45! It might not sound that exciting or impressive at face value. But when you consider the circumstances, God totally provided. Sara felt really convicted to about reading the Word and wanted to buy it. She felt led to and was willing to dish out the cash, but God totally made a way and gave her a sweet deal.

As I was on my computer completing the order and everything, I remember seeing the final price and having a jolt of excitement come over me. I remember like my heart beating really fast, and it was like I totally felt the Holy Spirit come upon me. It's hard to explain, but my heart was just beating really fast and it wasn't like I was doing anything vigorous or anything. Both Sara and I were really excited. And understandably, Sara was totally obedient to God by going and trying to get the audio Bible, and God made a way. It was a God moment!

But it didn't end there! Like I said, in that moment I felt like something crazy was happening. Next thing, I remembered we needed to pray for Sara's foot because it was really sore from an injury she had a week ago or so. I prayed for her foot the day before at the prayer room in my church but nothing happened. Her foot was still sore. But today was different. I prayed for her foot one time and asked God to heal it. As soon as I finished praying for her, she tried stepping on her foot, and it was totally healed! She had partial healing in it from before, but today she had complete healing of her foot! Wow! God was totally working! We were really excited! For me, it was especially exciting because during my fasting, I had been praying to God for breakthrough in spiritual gifts like healing. So to experience a healing on my first day after a fast with one of my really good friends was so awesome and encouraging! God was just pouring out blessings today - first a sweet audio Bible, healing, and then there was the food.

My mom made some awesome Filipino food for us today - lumpia, pancit bihon, chicken bihon, and banana lumpia. mmmmmm. So Goood! I also got all the shopping I needed to get done for my trip to Japan! Yay for that!

Sara and I also had some pretty sweet conversations today. One of the things we talked about was the disciples and the difference between the disciples before and after the Pentecost. One of things that I realized is that the disciples were completely changed after the coming of the Holy Spirit. What strikes me is that it wasn't like the disciples hadn't themselves performed miracles and cast out demons before the Pentecost. Luke 10 talks about how demons submitted to them and stuff. But even after all that stuff, Peter still denied Christ. The disciples still scattered and were ashamed. But it's amazing to think about how the Holy Spirit radically transformed the disciples in looking at their behavior and attitude before and after the Pentecost.

When thinking about it, I think that it really was that time of waiting together as body for the Holy Spirit to come that made a difference. And so I was thinking, maybe that is what the 24-7 prayer movement is really all about - gathering together and waiting on God. Yet we need all of our nation to gather and wait on God for this revival to break out all across our land. So it just makes me think right now, what stage of following God am I in right not? Am I still like the disciples who were with Jesus but still had their doubts, fears, and even denials of their Lord, or am I like the disciples after the coming of the Holy Spirit who passionately were willing to die for Christ and walk in the signs and wonders through the full power that Jesus offers to us all?

I don't know. It's amazing to think about what God is doing in each and everyone of our lives. It's crazy to think that coming into college my freshman year I was longing to find people who were passionately on fire for Christ. When I first started looking, I couldn't really find them. But God totally has transformed my life to become the kind of person I was looking for. I pray that I will be able to be an example and resource to those coming after me looking for what I was looking for my freshman year. I pray that I may be able to passionately pursue Christ and be an approved workman before God who is not ashamed - someone others can look up to as an example. I pray that I will help be able to lay a foundation of passion for Jesus that others will catch on to. I pray that this generation will the generation that sets our nations on fire for Jesus. I pray that this generation will be the ones who will set the example of passionate pursuit for our bridegroom Jesus Christ!

God, I pray that this generation would be firebrands for you - lovesick worshippers who passionately seek your face. Raise up a faceless generation who will show our lost and dying generation what it means to be fervently in love with you! Thank you for the leaders, the harvesters you are raising up. May we be faithful and obedient to our calling. God we don't want to miss out on the Promise Land. We will fight violently for your kingdom and take it by force. May we be a generation like Joshua who refuse to leave your presence (Ex. 33:11). May we be a generation humbled to your will and not our own. Change our hearts from the inside out O God! Your renown is the desire of our hearts! In Jesus Name, Amen!