Thursday, July 17, 2008

Some more thoughts from Japan.

So tonight, we had our final Japan Campus Crusade meeting. It's kind of crazy to think that though our days have been so long and often tiring, our time here is almost done. Tonight was special at the meeting though because we got to serve the Japanese staff who has done so much for us in our time here. Some of the Japanese students are also going on missions. So, what our team planned was to do a footwashing service. Basically, we asked the staff to wash the feet of the students going on missions. It was a beautiful act of servitude and humility to see the Japanese staff wash their students feet. Next, we surprised the staff by washing their feet.

In a lot of ways, I think it was special because we had the opportunity to show the staff and students that though we are here for a missions trip and have accomplished a lot of things, ultimately, we are here to be servant leaders. It really was a special moment because for many of my teammates it was their first time really planning and stepping up. It's so awesome to see what a body of believes can accomplish when they are motivated to seek God and to serve.

One of my teammates Jeff was able to give a little message about the significance of washing feet. He read from John 12 and 13. He talked about how Jesus cast out demons, healed the blind and deaf, raised people from the dead, walked on water, and many other miracles, but even after all this, he humbled himself and washed his disciples feet. Jeff showed how even though the God of the universe was powerful beyond measure, Jesus took the time to show that at the end of the day He wanted to have a relationship with us - He wanted to make us clean and purify us from our sins. It was an ultimate act of humility and servitude.

So to be able to see a team of Asian Americans come and humbly wash the feet of the Japanese staff is exciting to me. Can you imagine what can happen if we take this mentality of service and humility back to our homes and campuses? We are in Japan to change the world and to see souls won for Christ. But in the midst of all the ministry, strategy, and spirituality, we must remember that God has sent us here to love the people. The Great Commandment and the Great Commission must go hand in hand.

It's been an amazing time here. I'm learning a lot about myself and a lot about others. I still don't know exactly why God brought me here. But I know it's for a reason. Regardless, I know that I have seen God work in amazing ways, and through this trip, I have become hungrier and thirstier for more of God's presence. I am not content to see a nation still mostly unreached for the Gospel. In my heart, I feel like I need to do more. Yet, I trust that in his time, God will reveal His plan and and His direction for my life.

God has given me a passion and faith in Him. But ultimately what it comes down to is understanding the passion that He has for me and for all people. It's been said, "if you don't have a passion worth dying for, you don't have anything worth living for." My passion is to know God's heart and have the heart of God; to know his love and make his love known; to love what he loves; to hate what he hates; to have a heart that breaks for what breaks his heart.

God, thank you for what you are doing in Japan. Thank you for the ways you have been speaking to me and and using me here. Thank you for my teammates. Thank you for the good times. Thank you for the hard times. In spite of my fears, uncertainties, and conflicting emotions, I know there is one thing that remains constant - your love. Even while I was still a sinner, you died for me. Your grace is sufficient for me. Your grace is sufficient for Japan. I long for the day when the Japanese people wake up as a nation to see your glory. Until that day, please continue to raise up laborers that will be faithful to your calling.

Lord let this be our prayer for Japan: "Awake O Sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine in you!" (Eph. 5:14). Wake up Japan, O Lord, from their spiritual slumber. We pray that Japan will indeed be known as the land of the rising sun. My the light of your Son be made evident across the world. We take it in faith that in your time, we will see revival in this land. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!