Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Insightful Procrastination?

So I have a lot of work to do. But I have a thought, so I'm going to write it down because that is what you do on blogs.

Do you know that verse that talks about how if they recorded all the awesome stuff Jesus did in His 3 years of ministry they wouldn't have enough space to hold it all? I can't remember where the verse is right now, but if someone knows, they should let me know!

Anyway, I was just thinking about how awesome God is, and all the awesome things that God is doing in my life and in the lives of people around me. If you have seen any of my blog entries, you probably noticed that I could go on forever and still just only be scratching the tip of the iceberg of things that I think I'm thinking about. So I was thinking that with all the thoughts we have about God and all the cool stuff He is doing in our lives, couldn't something similar be said about us that relates to that verse I mentioned above. I mean it's not like we are doing crazy miracles and stuff at the moment, and I definitely don't want to take away from the person of Jesus - no one will ever be as big as Jesus! But like if we really thought about it, couldn't we possibly reason that if we were to write down all the awesome stuff that God does in our lives and record His goodness to us, we wouldn't be able to write it all down because it would be way too much?

We are blessed with amazing blessings and they are just overflowing all over the place. It talks about how God gives us immeasurably more than we can hope for or imagine. So what's the point I'm trying to make? Well first, God is goood!!!! Secondly, if you know that God is good and see it in your life, write it down! Yes, that means I think you should blog!!! Haha just kidding (but really, you should think about it;)

In closing, write down the awesome things God is doing in your life! Declare it the world! I bet if you tried to write down everything, you couldn't do it. You know why? Because God is just too good to be confined by our weak words!

And that's all I have to say.

God is good.

Enough said.


churmander said...
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Anonymous said...

"Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written." -John 21:25

Carl said...

Sweet! Thanks for the reference! UH-Mazing! Man, I am still procrastinating at this point, but that verse is just too awesome not to know!

Here is another comment that another friend left on facebook about this verse:

"I love you. That verse is John 21:25...I was just talking to someone else about that TODAY! It reminds me of Isaiah 54, where God tells the barren women to cry out, to enlarge the place of her tent...even when it seems like God is not good; expect great things!"