Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Can't help but smile :D

"For i have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:11-13

First of all, can we just stop and say the Apostle Paul was legit! This guy was throne in jail, got stones thrown at him, got bitten by a snake, and who knows what else he went through. Yet at the end of the day while he is in jail Paul says that he has learned to be content in every situation. Wow! Crazy! How crazy do you have to be to go through so much difficulty and still be smiling at the end of the day knowing that God is good! This just blows my mind away. Paul was so firm in knowing who he was in Christ that nothing could phase him. He was consumed by the love of God, and there was nothing that could stand in the way of carrying out his calling.

Which reminds me of another thing that was recently brought to my attention. Paul cared about people so much. I mean he took the time to write out all these letters to the many churches and every time he wrote to a church he always mentioned how he thanked God for them. This is so crazy for me to grasp sometimes because I look at my own life, and I can hardly keep up with my family and a small group of friends. I haven't done a very good job keeping in touch with the people I care about. My parents recently reminded me of this over break. They brought to my attention to remember to update and stay in contact with all those who have been praying with me and supporting me throughout the years and not to forget the people who helped me get where I am at today. It's such a humbling experience to remember that there have been so many people who have helped me get tot his point.

But anyhoo, I just wanted to take a few moments to say that God is good.! Right now I am going through such an awkward point of my life right now. I have had to have some pretty difficult conversations today and the past week. I have some pretty big decisions to make. And I have two papers and a test all on this Thursday. When I look at it now, it doesn't seem to bad. But there are always those moments when I get really overwhelmed by everything. Yet in the midst of it, I have been learning to trust God more and more. Things could be a lot better, but right now I can't help but smile. God is awesome! He is soo good.

Today, during lunch, a Christian group got to lead worship on the stage outside our Memorial Union. It was so awesome to be out in the middle of campus with other Christians worshipping God. It was so cool. How many times do you get to straight up worship God in the middle of campus with a full band that's mic'd up and everything. God is doing awesome things on this campus. Today's worship service definitely shifted the spiritual atmosphere at ASU today. Likewise with 24hr prayer, last night we had another all campus worship night. It was soo good! The Holy Spirit is rocking in that place let me tell you.

So ya, I have no idea what to think right now. I have been on some pretty low lows in this past week, but God is still working in cool ways. So even though I have no idea what to do about decisions, don't know what to do about all this school work, and really don't know what to do about much of anything in my life at this point, I am happy because Jesus loves me. And I think that was that was Paul's secret. The love of Christ is just too good to have a frown on our face. If we really think about it, God loves us. That's a big deal. God's love is bigger than our biggest decisions. He is bigger than our biggest tests. He is bigger than our greatest fears.

We all go through highs and lows in our life. When we are high God wants us to encourage and lift other people up. When we are low, I think God still wants us to encourage and lift others up. Usually, when I am sad and upset I tend to isolate myself and not want to talk to anyone. But God has really been reminding me how good it is to encourage and love other people even when we are down. When we are sad and help other people, we are not only encouraging other people, but we are encouraging ourselves because we are reminded by the goodness of God by the very words we speak. I ran into a friend today and got to encourage and pray for her, and I got to talk to my grandpa last night and pray for him also. It is always good to see people smile after their feeling blue!

Well, I usually write on forever. So much I could say, but I probably have already written a lot. I guess I just can't help it sometimes. God is good. Enough said.

Thank you that you are good. Thank you that you love me. Thank you that you make me smile. Use me to bring smiles to other peoples' face. You are rad! In Jesus Name, Amen!