wooooo....well that was fun. I just finished writing my last blog entry. It was really long, and no one will probably read it, but it's okay. If you do, you will get a good dose of Holy Spirit smack in your face. anyway, that was just the beginning of my day there is still more to come. I know, I write too much. I'm sorry. I can't help it. God is just doing a lot of things.
So ya, after I came to a lot of the conclusions i spoke about in the previous blog entry, I told my friend who just wrote her first blog entry about them. She (is amazing and totally on fire for God - read her blog saratellio.blogspot.com) confirmed a lot of the things that God was showing me. Apparently she had written me a letter a few months back in which she said that we should start sharing the stories we have online so that instead of only building each other up, we will build up others as well! And so it all began to make sense, why limit the goodness God is doing in our lives to one person when we can tell the world! Because of the internet the whole world will be able to recognize the goodness and mercy of God.
So after this all happened, I went to church for Youth with my brother. We worshipped together, got into the Word, and read about how Elijah prayed to God and how God proved He was real to the people of Israel and the false prophets by lighting a sacrifice that was soaked with water 3 times on fire from heaven (1 Kings 18). The story was pretty rad. I was a little disappointed though about how there was a lack of enthusiasm conveyed in telling the story. God totally showed up for Elijah, answered his prayer, and sent down fire from heaven!
I don't know about you! That is amazing! But somehow, in our cozy little Christian subculture, we read that and we think it is no big deal! I didn't get it. I was kind of discouraged sitting at Youth because no one seemed to recognize the magnitude of what just attitude..or if they did, no one was too excited about it.
When I got home, my brother and I got into a really long conversation about much of which I have just spent the last couple of hours typing up. We basically talked about how God is bringing revival, and we need to be prepared for it so that we can help lead the way once it comes. We also talked about how exciting the Christian life really is when we recognize our identity in Christ and recognize the gifts he offers us.
My brother went on to tell me a story about a girl in our youth group who told him that she always thought church was boring, but ever since being in the youth group, she realized how exciting being a Christian could really be. When my brother told me this story, I was in shock. Just the night before, I had a few images and different images come to me while I was spending some quiet time with God. One of the visions was of this exact girl saying something about how boring church was. I wrote this down in my notebook, and I wrote a comment about how I thought God was telling me how we need to show others how exciting a life in Christ really. My brother totally confirmed this by telling me that story.
And so here it is again, God wants believers to model for others the abundant life that He offers us. We were not meant to live mundane, boring lives that are accustomed to see growing up in the church. Because of what Christ did for us, we are free and have the power to do the things He did. It says in John 14 that we will do greater things than the signs Jesus did because of the Holy Spirit that He has given to us. Because of what Christ did for us and through the power of the Holy Spirit, we have the authority to heal and cast out demons and live the revolutionary life - a life of excitement - that Christ destined for us to live.
So shout it out! Show the world, we were meant to live for so much more! Our voices will be heard. We will not be silent. Our lives will not be boring and mundane. Like Winston Churchill once said about writing history......history will one day speak kindly of us because we will be the ones writing it. I want to be a historymaker - a revolutionary - a radical follower of Jesus. What about you?
Don't misinterpret what I'm saying here. Being a radical follower of Jesus - is not some kind of freak show or some kind of over spiritualized thing. Being a radical follower of Jesus is all about love. When we understand our identity, we understand God's love. When we understand God's love, we understand the heart of God. We understand what He loves and what Hates. What happens is that with revival there must be reformation. There must not only be an increased awareness in the church, there must resulting change in society. So the church will not merely be radical Jesus followers who pray and speak in tongues and prophecy in the church. They will finally make a difference in society. They will take a stand in social justice. Abortion, human trafficking, poverty, starvation - the church will stand at the forefront of social activism and unite the activists with the revivalists. Revolution must include revival and reformation, and the result is the restoration of the New Testament Church.
We will see the glory of God as we seek to make His name famous. But we must pray, we must bring the gospel to our dying world, we must build the simple church. Read Jaeson Ma's book the Blueprint to know more about the revolutionary plan to win the campuses, the cities, nations. Jaeson Ma is seriously inspiring. His blog and his faithfulness to God is what got me kickstarted on this whole adventure to begin with.
So ya that is basically, my day in a nutshell. Intense, I know. Oh ya not to forget. while I was talking to my friend on facebook, he totally imparted some Holy Spirit power on me and I started laughing uncontrollably. I pray that God will likewise fill you with His Holy Spirit and that you may be blessed reading through the things God has been showing me. It is not for my glory. It is for the glory of the king! Praise God, for His mercy endureth forever!
The Cowardice of Control
7 years ago
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