We pray the prayer of Elijah in 1 Kings 18:36-37 :
"Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your command. Answer me, Lord answer me, so these people will know that you, Lord, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again."
Lord, we pray that you will hear our desperate cries. We cry out before you on behalf of our generation. We come before in humility and repentance. We are sorry for the sins of our generation. Forgive me and my generation of my pride, my jealously, my selfishness, my lust. We call out before and seek your name O God of Jacob. We want to be the generation that ascends to the hill of the Lord. We turn from our wicked ways and ask that you would give us clean hands and pure hearts.
We desire to be living sacrifices for you. We want to be set apart and be holy as you are holy. Transform us through the renewing of our minds so that we may know your good and perfect will. God like Elijah prayed, we cry out for your fire to fall down. We desire to be filled by your Holy Spirit. Let your fire fall down and consume us to the very core. We do not want to be a lukewarm generation. We want to be on fire for the sake of Christ. Lovesick for you. May we have a 7th grade love for you. May you consume our every thought, our every action, and every word. May we desire to be with you every moment, and enjoy every moment in your presence.
May we enjoy with childlike innocence and glee. Restore our innocence and remind us of our first love. You are our first love. We were made in your image, and we were made to worship you! May our lives be a testimony of the excitement and abundant life that you offer. May we be radical, may we be revolutionaries. May we contend for revival and reformation as we seek to see the restoration of the New Testament church.
May we not pray merely to not to merely say flowery words or impressive speeches, but may our cries be genuine yearnings of our hearts. Humble our hearts and take away our pride. You are source of strength. You are our joy. And the joy of the Lord shall be our strength.
May this joy be contagious. May your love for us overflow into the lives of others. May the excitement of a life with Christ be exemplified through my own life. We desire revival, we desire revolution, we desire change. But most of all we desire to love you and delight in you. May we no longer be deceived in our identity, but may we know who we are in Christ. We are loved by God, created in your image. You offer us the blessings of eternity in heaven; may we not be deceived by fleetingness of this earth.
I love you Lord, and I worship You! You alone are the desire of my heart; you alone can satisfy. Send you fire down and fill your people. You alone are worth of all glory, honor and praise. Thank you for you love. thank you for being faithful to your promises even when i am faithless. I do not deserve your love, and yet you have extended your hand to me and have wrapped me in your arms. May this generation be a faceless generation - a testimony of your unconditional love. amen!
The Cowardice of Control
7 years ago
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