Sunday, May 25, 2008

Where to even begin....

Hmmm....So it's been an interesting weekend to say the least. I don't even know where to begin. My family from California who came for brother's graduation just left today. But wow, it's been a crazy adventure the past 3 days. I guess I'll start with mybrother's graduation and kind of just give a brief summary of the things that have been happening.

So my brother graduated from high school on Friday. It's crazy to think that only 2 years ago I, myself was marching down those aisles picking up my own diploma. And now here was my brother graduating? The same kid who I always picked on growing up. The same kid I grew up with was now graduating from high school and joining me in college? Weird. It's not really that weird, but when I think about it more, it's just kind of crazy I guess. It makes me feel old, I suppose. But anyway, as I was sitting watching everything unfold and listening to the speeches, I was reminded of the vision God gave me about the incoming freshmen class of 2012 - the now graduated class of 2008. I really think that this class is going to do amazing things in college and is going to see the peak of the revival God is going to do on the campuses.

But I was reminded of all this becase I saw some things at that graduation that really reminded me of previous conversations and thoughts I had about this upcoming class. As I saw this class I was reminded of two things. First, this class is very talented. The speeches, the musical numbers, they really surprised by how good they were. I am normally a pretty cynical person in critiquing these type of ceremonies ( I know, I'm kind of a jerk - think it stems from my own bitterness that I once had towards high school; but thats another story haha ;). But anyhoo, I was really surprised by their talents and their intellect. Secondly, I saw their brokeness. My brother's graduated class has seen so much pain in the last year. So many of their classmates have died either through suicides or through a fatal bus crash. It's crazy to think that one class could go through so much pain and turmoil.

But one thing that I did see was resiliency. The class was resilient. Though going through so much pain, they had drawn together - there was a sense of unity. I think that these qualities are what God is going to use in transforming our campuses. But their still is pain there that is hidden beneath the facades of smiles and happiness in the midst of graduation. God is still working on their hearts and working on revealing to them their identity.

I think identity will be the key issue for this class and the classes for come. When the people realize who they are in Christ, they will do great and might works for God. And as for those of us already on the campuses, I really feel that our mandate is to be laying down the foundation for the greater things that are going to be done. I think this foundation starts of course with prayer. When we lay down the prayer foundation and ask God to open the yes of His people, great things will come to pass.

This verse really sticks out to me in preparing the way for the younger generations to follow us. 1 Corinthians 3:10-11, "Acording to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is buidling upon it. Let each one take care ow he builds upon on it. For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ." Here, Paul is talking, and what really strikes me is that Paul talks about laying down the foundation upon which other people will be building upon.

We are laying down this foundation of prayer by which those coming after us will be able to build on. We must make sure like Paul said that our foundation is strong and that is it built on Jesus Christ. This further reminds of Isaiah 40:3 which says, "A voice cries: In the wildenrness prepare teh way of teh Lord; make straign in the desert the highway for our God." Through our prayers and our seeking after God, we will be the highways through which God uses to bring his revival. Our generation has the potential to be forerunners for the coming revival. I really think that we really need to be in prayer for our generation especially the incoming class of 2012. God is going to use them to do great and mighty things for his kingdom. But it is only when they understand their identity. They are loved by God. Let this be our prayer. God may you open the eyes of the youth, may they realize your overwhelming, unconditional love for them. May you heal their broken hearts, and may you use them to be highways through which the Holy Spirit brings revival to their hearts of Your people.